The Black Mantis Ninja clan has come to Okinawa...
Play as a martial-arts master and take on the role of Hiro, Meilin, or Shin as they face hordes of ninja, demons and more in a desperate fight for their lives against the Black Mantis Ninja clan.
Bring a friend to the fray in local 2 player co-op and double the mayhem in this platforming, action adventure set in a mystical, fantasy version of Okinawa.
Fast, fluid combat-engine gives you many moves, combos, juggles and an intuitive parrying system.
タイトル | Okinawa Rush |
ジャンル | アクション & アドベンチャー |
メーカー | PixelHeart |
発売日 | 2021/10/29 |
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